Affiliate marketing is basically you are promoting other people product and getting a Commission for selling it it is called a affiliate marketing simple ok guys so there are a lot of method to do affiliate Marketing it is free or paid but I like most free method because once if you done work then you will get plate sales for a long time ok guys what and paid method and if you are running parents then you will get sale and when you stop others then you will not get a single cell in this block we will talk on free method as well as paid methods at last ok.
Free method.1.
Your website. Guys if you are doing affiliate marketing then you will need a website and it is most important factor of affiliate marketing that you should have for your website if you do not have your own website then it is fickle to do affiliate Marketing and make a huge money to it ok guys if you have your own website you can make or you can test different landing page ok and you can get a lot of traffic with the help of your own website so you should have your own website to get a traffic free traffic and create a test different landing pages so create your own website then start affiliate marketing through it ok.
2. YouTube channel. Guys another big factor is YouTube channel if you are doing affiliate marketing then you should have a YouTube channel for free method because guys if you have a YouTube channel then you can attract your targeted affiliates wire immediately within one to two week because people are searching on these search engine get product then you should have I want at least one YouTube channel affiliate marketing it is very important to create YouTube channel then start affiliate marketing ok.
3. is free traffic which get 20% search traffic from Google directly so guys it is very important that you should have your on account on and you should to the following question which are rank in Google and there is high chance that your answer may be rank in Google can get a lot of traffic to your landing page after that you can get your affiliate sales also use quora to traffic on my landing page I am suggesting you that you should also have a quora account and you will also answer this question you can get traffic to your landing page within one or two bi ok wake another free method you should test it Social media. Kya is a very important free method to do affiliate Marketing as if you have your big fan following on social media like Facebook Twitter Instagram then you can definitely make a good amount of money by it doing affiliate marketing like if you 10000 plus follower on Instagram on Twitter then you can suggest people to make money online by doing Sample Survey ok and when people start completing this service which you are promoting then you will got paid so starting affiliate marketing it is very necessary or essential that you should have your own social media fan following video early that guys if you have zero budget then you should start free method and free method are always good because they are giving a flat sale for a long time so I personally recommend that start with free method ok drawing on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter because these are traffic got social platforms ok.
Paid Methods
Google. When you are talking with doing a marketing then the number one recommendation yeah I know that you are getting 1 CPC on a what guys Google paid ads the most and most converting ads because traffic and when people are searching for their problem and you are providing them solution by promoting your affiliate of offer your product then there is a high chance very high chance that you can get your affiliate sale ok start doing affiliate marketing with Google ads ok and here is a very big opportunity when you create your own first Google ads account then you will get a free credit like if you are from India then you will get 2000 rupees as a free credit ok guys so when you are spend 2010 your ad account when you will get free 2000 rupees for promoting your affiliate object or affiliate product ok so guys create your landing page on your website create salt and start doing affiliate marketing through it was because Google ads is the most targeted at use it and make your affiliate sales Commission ok.
2. Bing. Ring is another parents method is also allow you to run paid ads by the name of Microsoft advertising for singers here is a very interesting point guys and that is bring is also getting a huge traffic from United state and c very hi difference in Google CPC cost and Bing CPC cost you are beginner and start doing affiliate marketing then you should create your on account first on wing on Google ads because on wynk view girl you are getting a chief CPC cost you will get a costly CPC cost ok so this is important guys that that you are making your account on because being is also a search engine and it is getting of good amount of traffic from United States ok.3. Facebook ads. Guys I am not recommending Facebook ads because these ads are not show targeted the audience come on Facebook is mostly in interesting or joyful nature they are not searching anything here on search engine like Google on way people are searching for their problem that the most converting traffic what on Facebook you can run your display ads yes guys Facebook is run run a crucial role in display h ok so if you have a large budget on spending affiliate marketing then you can run Facebook ads ok told you that I am not personally is comment in Facebook at if you have a little budget or a small budget ok but another key factor is that you can get a very cheap clicks from Facebook from top tier countries like United States United Kingdom Canada Australia New Zealand you can get very very cheap clicks Facebook ad so I am new these three methods you should choose your favourable paid ads method ok.
As a conclusion I can say that if you are a beginner and have low budget then you should start affiliate marketing with the free method if you are intermediate and have a small budget then you should start affiliate marketing with paid at first of all you should use bringers because here you can get a at low cost if you are running a this player can use Facebook ad and here you can get cheap price clicks landing page ok guys so method and start doing affiliate marketing ok.